The ISE® Lions' Den and Jungle Lounge Gazelles 2014

Click Security     

Click Security's Real-time Security Analytics automatically finds unknown attack activity hidden in the "event haystack". Our solution converts logs, flows and events into contextual "actor-based" information – empowering the analyst with true situational awareness. Our unique Click Platform, open-authored Click Modules, and Click Labs intelligence agency set our solution apart.

Cloud Passage     

CloudPassage® Halo® is the world’s leading agile security platform that empowers our customers to take full advantage of cloud infrastructure with the confidence that their critical business assets are protected. Halo delivers a comprehensive set of continuous security and compliance functions right where it counts—at the workload. Our platform orchestrates security on-demand, at any scale and works in any cloud or virtual infrastructure (private, public, hybrid or virtual data center). Leading enterprises like Citrix, and Adobe use CloudPassage today to enhance their security and compliance posture, while at the same time enabling business agility.


Data Theorem, Inc. is a SaaS for mobile application security and data privacy. Our technology scans mobile applications (iOS, Android, and Windows Phone) on a continuous basis in search of security flaws & data privacy gaps. After a scan is complete, our solution also provides Objective-C, Java, and C# code to lock down the high-risk areas of your mobile application.


Gurucul’s real-time Cloud-Native Security Analytics and Operations Platform provides customers with a Next Generation SIEM, UEBA, Open XDR and Identity & Access Analytics. Gurucul technology is used by Global 1000 companies and government agencies to fight cyber crimes, IP theft, insider threat and account compromise as well as for log aggregation, compliance and risk-based security orchestration and automation for real-time extended detection and response.


HyTrust is the Cloud Security Automation company. Its virtual appliance provides the essential foundation for cloud control, visibility, data security, management and compliance. HyTrust mitigates the risk of breach or catastrophic failure— especially in light of the concentration of risk that occurs within virtualization and cloud environments.


Netskope is the leader in cloud security —we help the world’s largest organizations take advantage of cloud and web without sacrificing security. Our Cloud XD technology targets and controls activities across any cloud service or website and customers get 360-degree data and threat protection that works everywhere. We call this smart cloud security.


Norse is the global leader in live attack intelligence. Norse delivers continuously-updated and unique Internet and darknet intel that helps organizations detect and block attacks that other systems miss. The superior Norse DarkMatter™ platform detects new threats and tags nascent hazards long before they're spotted by traditional "threat intelligence" tools. Norse's globally distributed "distant early warning" grid of millions of sensors, honeypots, crawlers and agents deliver unique visibility into the Internet - especially the darknets, where bad actors operate. The Norse DarkMatter™ network processes hundreds of terabytes daily and computes over 1,500 distinct risk factors, live, for millions of IP addresses every day. Norse products tightly integrate with popular SIEM, IPS and next-generation Firewall products to dramatically improve the performance, catch-rate and security return-on-investment of your existing infrastructure.

layer 7     

ObserveIT, a leader in privileged user activity monitoring, allows companies to leverage the benefits of cloud based and increasingly open IT environments without sacrificing the security of a company’s most important asset, their data. By auditing, monitoring and recording privileged user activity, ObserveIT dramatically reduces the cost and time required for compliance and enables companies to monitor third-party vendor relationships. ObserveIT provides real-time and historical, context-aware video monitoring of privileged user activity for physical, virtual and cloud based servers and is currently in use in more than 1,000 corporations in 70+ countries. For more information on the company, visit or find us on Twitter @ObserveIT

Threat Track security     

ThreatTrack Security specializes in helping organizations identify and stop Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), targeted attacks and other sophisticated malware designed to evade the traditional cyber-defenses deployed by enterprises and government agencies around the world. The company develops advanced cybersecurity solutions that Expose, Analyze and Eliminate the latest malicious threats, including its ThreatSecure advanced threat detection and remediation platform, ThreatAnalyzer malware behavioral analysis sandbox, ThreatIQ real-time threat intelligence service, and VIPRE business antivirus endpoint protection. Learn more at

layer 7     

Vectra Networks is the leading innovator in real-time detection of cyber attacks. The Vectra X-series detection platform continuously monitors network traffic to automatically detect any phase of an ongoing cyber attack. Vectra automatically prioritizes attacks that pose the greatest business risk, enabling organizations to effectively focus time and resources.