ISE® Central Sponsors 2013

Kilobyte Sponsors

Click Security     

Click Security's Real-time Security Analytics automatically finds unknown attack activity hidden in the "event haystack". Our solution converts logs, flows and events into contextual "actor-based" information – empowering the analyst with true situational awareness. Our unique Click Platform, open-authored Click Modules, and Click Labs intelligence agency set our solution apart.


Norse is the global leader in live attack intelligence. Norse delivers continuously-updated and unique Internet and darknet intel that helps organizations detect and block attacks that other systems miss. The superior Norse DarkMatter™ platform detects new threats and tags nascent hazards long before they're spotted by traditional "threat intelligence" tools. Norse's globally distributed "distant early warning" grid of millions of sensors, honeypots, crawlers and agents deliver unique visibility into the Internet - especially the darknets, where bad actors operate. The Norse DarkMatter™ network processes hundreds of terabytes daily and computes over 1,500 distinct risk factors, live, for millions of IP addresses every day. Norse products tightly integrate with popular SIEM, IPS and next-generation Firewall products to dramatically improve the performance, catch-rate and security return-on-investment of your existing infrastructure.


Stonesoft is a global provider of proven, next generation solutions that simplify network security management. Stonesoft pioneered the market leading StoneBeat high availability solution in the 1990s. Today, Stonesoft innovations continue with the StoneGate Next Generation Platform which uniquely integrates the most advanced security solutions – StoneGate NextGen Firewall, IPS, SSL VPN and Virtual Security solutions – with our patented high availability technologies and sophisticated next generation management. Next generation management enables real-time monitoring, alerting, troubleshooting, managing and reporting from a single management console and database, giving administrators proactive control of both physical and virtual security networks. With more than 10,000 installations in more than 90 countries, Stonesoft customers represent many of the world's largest organizations.

Display Sponsors

Air Watch     

AirWatch is the leader in enterprise-grade mobility management and security solutions. More than 7,000 customers across the world trust AirWatch to manage their most valuable assets: their mobile devices. Our highly scalable solution provides an integrated, real-time view of an entire fleet of corporate and employee-owned Apple iOS, Android, Windows, BlackBerry and Symbian devices.

As the largest MDM provider with more than 1,300 employees, 400 focused on R&D, AirWatch offers the most comprehensive mobility management solution. With a proven track record of deployments larger than 100,000 devices, organizations can confidently manage every single device used across the enterprise.


Aveksa provides the industry's most comprehensive, enterprise-class, access governance and management solution. Aveksa helps IT organizations reduce access management complexity and increase operational efficiency, while minimizing risk and ensuring sustainable compliance. Leading Global 2000 organizations in financial services, healthcare, retail, energy/utility, telecommunications, transportation and manufacturing rely on Aveksa to efficiently address access request, fulfillment and regulatory compliance demands.


With over 11,000 customers worldwide, Axway delivers industry-leading technology solutions that enable secure enterprise collaboration and integrate the governance, security, and community management capabilities organizations need to protect against data loss. Axway's offerings include award winning products for secure email and file sharing, policy based encryption, and identity validation.

Blue Coat     

Blue Coat empowers enterprises to safely and securely choose the best applications, services, devices, data sources, and content the world has to offer, so they can create, communicate, collaborate, innovate, execute, compete and win in their markets. Blue Coat has a long history of protecting organizations, their data and their employees and is the trusted brand to 15,000 customers worldwide, including 86 percent of the FORTUNE Global 500. With a robust portfolio of intellectual property anchored by more than 200 patents and patents pending, the company continues to drive innovations that assure business continuity, agility and governance.

Duo Security     

Duo Security is the easiest two-factor authentication service to deploy, administer, and use. Duo's service can be set up in as little as 15 minutes, and used immediately by anyone with a phone. Over 1,000 organizations in over 80 countries rely upon Duo to prevent online account takeover and data theft. Backed by Google Ventures and True Ventures, Duo has been deployed by some of the most security-conscious organizations on the planet along with 3 of the top 5 social networks.

Security Innovation     

Security Innovation focuses on the most difficult IT security problem - and the root cause of most data breaches – insecure applications. Our solutions are based on the three pillars of a Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) - Standards, Assessment, and Education, which help organizations build internal expertise and integrate security into their SDLC.


Solutionary reduces the information security and compliance burden, providing flexible managed security and compliance services that work the way clients want; enhancing existing initiatives, infrastructure and personnel.  Our patented technology, systems and process make our clients smarter.  We call this relevant, intelligent security.

S O S     

Headquartered in Houston, Texas, SOS Security is the premier provider of information security products and solutions. Customers choose SOS Security to intelligently manage risk, maintain compliance, accelerate, and protect their business from evolving threats. SOS Security has extensive relationships with leading security manufacturers in the marketplace today, which it leverages in order to architect a complete security solution for its customers.


The global leader in cybersecurity. Operating one of the world’s largest cyber intelligence networks, we see more threats, and protect more customers from the next generation of attacks. We help companies, governments and individuals secure their most important data wherever it lives.