Cloud Security Symposium - Chicago

May 8, 2012 - The Westin Chicago River North, Chicago

It’s a New Cloud Era—Where are you in your journey?
Join virtualization and security industry leaders for this Cloud Security Symposium as they reveal the realities of virtualizing business-critical applications and securing your data within dynamic environments. These experts will share how progressive business and IT leaders are accelerating their path to cloud computing with confidence without sacrificing availability or service quality—and at an improved cost of ownership.

Virtualization and cloud computing have changed the face of today’s data center, providing businesses with rapid provisioning, agility and cost savings. Workforce practices are also evolving with the adoption of mobile and smart devices alongside laptops and desktops. These benefits, however, also introduce data breach and security risks, as businesses may not always know where their data is or who can access it. Further, these changes create challenges as organizations secure and manage their diverse and dynamic system infrastructure.

As organizations move from physical environments to a blend of physical, virtual, and cloud resources, many have addressed the risks and prevailing threat landscape with yesterday’s mix of legacy security solutions. The results can actually threaten desired performance gains—causing undue operational complexity, leaving unintentional security gaps and ultimately hindering the organization’s ability to fully invest in virtualization and cloud.

Learn how advanced solutions can help you in your Journey to the Cloud, and how to protect all your precious data when using new dynamic computing environments represented today by virtualization and cloud architectures.

7:15am - Registration and Networking Breakfast

7:45am - Welcome Remarks & Agenda Review

Marci McCarthy

Marci McCarthy
CEO and President

8:05am - Setting the Landscape

Kevin Walker Kevin Walker
Global Security Expert
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8:25am - Presentation: Security Forecast: Partly Cloudy

Raimund Genes Raimund Genes
Chief Technology Officer
Trend Micro
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Practical advice on how to survive in this new world of Virtualization and Cloud Computing.

9:00am - Presentation: Your Cloud

Keith Luck Keith Luck
Sr. Systems Engineer, Security & Compliance Specialist
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This presentation will review a proven and practical cloud roadmap designed to deliver benefits as you go.  We have learned, documented and enable customers from hundreds of cloud deployments to date. Your CLOUD will be uniquely yours—a private, public, or hybrid cloud environment that should aligned with your individual business needs and goals.

9:35am - Break

9:45am - Group Roundtables

Building Trust in the Cloud – Taking the Leap from Private or Hybrid to Public
As the data center evolves to be more heavily virtualized, the natural progression is to move on-premises private or hybrid clouds to a public cloud computing environment to reap the benefits of business efficiencies and agility. But not all clouds are created equal – organizations require trusted clouds. Cloud computing benefits apply to firms of all sizes, but poor security jeopardizes these benefits. As the cloud computing environment evolves, information security must evolve along with it. This roundtable will address the question of the day: is the Cloud secure enough for what you are asking it to do?
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Endpoint Security in a BYOD World
On-premise or Hosted Solution? As mobile devices have become integral to corporations for effective functioning of the business, ensuring security of these devices has become a mission-critical task. While IT departments accustomed to on-premises technology point to security and availability concerns as part of their reluctance to transition completely to a cloud alternative, it can be argued that the logical progression of data center virtualization is to virtualize the security controls themselves. Securing the journey to virtualization is complicated by risks in the physical data center and those that are unique to virtualized environments. This roundtable will focus on the key challenges with a legacy approach to endpoint security in virtualized environments and why a new standard for virtual data center security is needed.
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Securing Tier 1 Apps in a Virtualized World – Fact, Fiction or Wishful Thinking?
Cloud computing is quickly growing in popularity, providing businesses with more agility and cost saving. The resistance to embracing virtualization may finally be softening as more application owners realize that many applications can run as fast or faster on modern virtual machine software than they can on legacy operating systems. Yet, concerns over cloud security still hold many organizations back from virtualizing mission-critical, tier 1 business applications. This roundtable will explore how an integrated platform can allow companies to maximize virtual and cloud computing rewards without compromising data privacy and security.
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10:20am - Executive Roundtable Debriefs

10:40am - Cloud Security Alliance Review

Jason Witty Jason Witty
Cloud Security Alliance Executive Board Member
Sr. VP & Information Protection Consulting
Bank of America
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Review of the CSA efforts and projects underway to help organizations assess risks in the cloud.

11:10am - Building Castles in the Sky: Advanced Persistent Response

Tom Kellerman Tom Kellermann
VP of Cyber Security
Trend Micro
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Update on cyber security in the US.