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Security That Works Outside the Perimeter

As workforces continue to operate remotely, clear-cut security perimeters are dissolving. End users are more than just employees; they are customers, partners, and vendors. Moderator Avram Kornberg led the group as they discussed the challenges organizations have as they distribute supplier and vendor ecosystems. The table was comprised of professionals at various management levels located at many different organizations with specific policies, so the challenges they each faced and the solutions for them were various and unique. For instance, one participant explained how their current company was the result of years of acquisitions, so they have arrived in the middle of this process, needing to understand the chain of command, employee-specific security responsibilities, and the vendors attached to the company pre- and post-acquisition. Meanwhile, participants at larger firms already had established best practices of stringent controls for dealing with vendors. In the end, the table agreed that there is no right answer. Just because a certain set of stringent controls worked for a large firm doesn’t mean they would be practical at—or could even be applied to—a smaller firm or a company undergoing acquisitions. Though participants couldn’t agree on which vendors were the best to work with, they did concur that a technology that could greatly impact vendor control for any company at any level is multi-factor authentication.