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Finding Security Talent – and Keeping it!

In order to find ways to keep security talent, it’s helpful to understand what drives top performers to leave. Things that drive talent away include:

  • Lack of strong leadership and/or inflexible leadership.
  • Corporate tax in the form of requirements that don’t relate to the job or mandatory training that is perceived to be external to the core job responsibility.
  • Technology stagnation - lack of opportunity to grow and stay up-to-date within the technology space.
  • Career stagnation – lack of an opportunity to grow and pursue a career path within the organization.
  • Burnout.
  • Low morale – both individual and group.

Best practices in keeping and developing security talent include:

  • Create a new function for the individual to grow into.
  • Build a career ladder that offers a progression.
  • Map out technical and leadership opportunities and have a career discussion of what is required to advance within the areas.
  • Provide a new title.
  • Offer bonuses.
  • Hold team morale-building events such as group cookouts.
  • Give performers the opportunity to leave for long weekend.
  • Encourage participation in external award programs.
  • Offer opportunities to earn internal awards.
  • Assign funding for ongoing education and training.
  • Give legitimate performance reviews - take the time during the course of the year and be honest in the feedback.

In addition to normal channels of recruitment, internships have proved to be a successful way to bring talent in-house.