The ISE® West Awards are held in conjunction with a one day Executive Forum which includes keynote speakers, interactive roundtables moderated by the CISOs and VPs of participating companies, and hot topic panel discussions. The one day program offers the opportunity to meet with peers and leading IT executives from across the region to discuss and share insights into today's issues and solutions.
ISE® West Executive of the Year Award Winner 2010

Michael Barrett
Chief Information Security Officer, VP Information Risk Management
ISE® West Executive Award Finalist 2007
ISE® West Project Award Winner 2010
VCR (Virtual Clean Room) San Diego
Executive Sponsor: Joshua Davis, Director, Information Security and Risk Management
Project Team: Bruce Rosendahl, Kevin Larson, Kevin Dalfonzo, Zhen Chen, William Wu, Keith Ritlop, Matt Swanson, Matt Martin, Shahid Shafi, Prabakar Thiyagarajah, Anabel Avelino, Sean Callahan, Zeeshan Sabir, John Goebel, Jeff Overbey
The Virtual Clean Room is a network enclave designed to protect a high performance build environment while meeting stakeholder requirements of minimal build ecosystem system performance impact or business process change. The project team’s solution achieved a balance between operations and security needs by working with stake holders to obtain a clear understanding of the environment, then engineering a solution using principles of "Defense in Depth". The Virtual Clean Room increases security by creating a secure network perimeter, implementing standards and improving monitoring without impacting the build environment systems or its users.
ISE® West People's Choice Award Winner 2010

Drew R. Maness
Vice President of Worldwide Content Protection and Anti-Piracy
ISE® West Executive Award Finalists 2010

Matthew Archibald
Managing Director and CISO
Applied Materials, Inc.

Drew R. Maness
Vice President of Worldwide Content Protection and Anti-Piracy

John B. Sapp Jr.
Director, Product Development Standards - Security, Risk & Compliance
McKesson Corporation
ISE® West Project Award Honorable Mention 2010
Automated Identity Governance
Executive Sponsor: Bill Bonney, Senior Manager of Access Management
Project Team: Brian Nath, Karen Cangialosi, Leon Grigsby, Ivan Pysarevskyy, Jim Duke, Chris Ellis, Duane Green
Intuit is subject to a multitude of regulatory and security requirements relating to the privacy and security of the sensitive financial data it processes, and as a public company, Intuit must also demonstrate compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley. Addressing those compliance and security requirements is exponentially complicated each year when Intuit’s employee ranks grow by almost 50 percent during tax season as it increases call center and other seasonal support staffing. To meet those challenges, Intuit implemented an identity governance program to proactively manage risks associated with user access controls while automating the process of supporting and managing the influx of access changes during the seasonal spike in employees.