The ISE® Northeast Executive Forum and Awards 2016 will be held on October 4, 2016 at the Westin Times Square in New York City, NY. The ISE® Northeast Award recognizes the information security executives and their teams who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in risk management, data asset protection, regulatory compliance, privacy, and network security.
The ISE® Northeast Awards are held in conjunction with a one day Executive Forum which includes keynote speakers, interactive roundtables moderated by the CISOs and VPs of participating companies, and hot topic panel discussions. The one day program offers the opportunity to meet with peers and leading IT executives from across the region to discuss and share insights into today's issues and solutions.
ISE® Northeast Executive of the Year Award Winner 2016

Vikrant Arora
Chief Information Security Officer
Hospital for Special Surgery
ISE® North America Executive Award Finalist 2014 - Health Care Category
ISE® Northeast Executive of the Year Award Winner 2016
ISE® North America Executive Award Winner 2016 - Health Care Category
ISE® Northeast Project Award Winner 2016
Clarient Entity Hub 1.0
Executive Sponsor: Stephen Scharf, Corporate Security Officer, DTCC
Project Team: Natalia Kory, Chief Technology Officer, Ajoy Kumar, BISO, David Frankauski, Executive Director, Donald Barlow-Kearsley, Director, Andrew Moore, , Technology Risk Analyst, Gu Quianjun, Executive Director, Jaime Rodriguez, Technology Risk Analyst, Andrew DeMann, Project Manager
Location: Jersey City, New Jersey
Clarient Entity Hub is a secure, centralized entity data and document utility that addresses global financial market participants’ needs for greater control, transparency, and cost reduction in response to evolving risk management and regulatory requirements. Clarient Entity Hub collects, maintains and allows for the sharing of legal entity information with counterparties, through one centralized interface. This integrated, global entity data management platform permits granular access controls, fosters standardization and ensures accuracy and data privacy for client data and documents required throughout the client life cycle. The Clarient Entity Hub also streamlines interactions between market participants and their clients, and allows critical data to become digitized and dynamic.
ISE® Northeast People's Choice Award Winner 2016

Frank Aiello
SVP, Chief Information Security Officer
ISE® Northeast People's Choice Award Winner 2016
ISE® Northeast Executive Award Finalist 2016
ISE® Northeast Executive Award Finalist 2016

Frank Aiello
SVP, Chief Information Security Officer
ISE® Northeast People's Choice Award Winner 2016
ISE® Northeast Executive Award Finalist 2016
ISE® Northeast Executive Award Finalist 2016

Bill O'Hern
Senior Vice President & CSO
ISE® Northeast Executive Award Finalist 2016
ISE® North America Executive Award Winner 2016 - Commercial Category
ISE® Northeast Project Award Finalists 2016
Enterprise Immune System
Executive Sponsor: Neil Singer, CIO, Billtrust
Project Team: Laura Whitt-Winyard (Win Yard), Director – Information Security; Craig Woodley, Security Engineer
Location: Hamilton, NJ
The Enterprise Immune System project is an intelligence-led behavioral cyber defense solution that uses new machine learning techniques based on biological principles of the human immune systems and Bayesian mathematical probability theory. It is designed to operate on any network data without any pre-configuration or specific data types resulting in a unique behavioral model that defines the pattern of life for each device, user and the network as a whole. Billtrust is now able to detect, classify and investigate, in real-time, the subtlest of cyber-threats without any rules or signatures.
Comcast Assets at Risk Program
Executive Sponsor: Myrna Soto, SVP, GCISO, Comcast
Project Team: Myrna Soto, SVP, GCISO, Ramesh Sepehrrad, VP, Charles R. Hudson, Executive Director, Kallol Ray, Director, Joseph Gallagher, Director
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Comcast’s Assets at Risk Program, powered by Bay Dynamics’ Risk Fabric Cyber Risk Analytics platform, is an innovative risk based asset-centric program that protects high-value assets (data, systems, and applications) from threats and vulnerabilities. The program enables Comcast to measure, communicate and reduce cyber risk. It engages Line-of-Business application owners in an innovative way to provide asset value and business context which is used for prioritized investigation and remediation. By involving the right users, understanding the assets at risk, and focusing on the metrics that matter, the program decentralizes risk from the security organization and effectively communicates cyber risk to key stakeholders.
Massachusetts Advanced Secure Technologies (MAST) Cybersecurity Services
Executive Sponsor: Lawrence Wilson, Chief Information Security Officer, University of Massachusetts President’s Office
Project Team: Keith Moran – Chief Technology Officer UMass President’s Office, Larry Wilson – Chief Information Security Officer UMass President’s Office, Gene Kingsley – Security Operations Lead UMass President’s Office, Dan Galvin – Senior Security Analyst UMass President’s Office, Dave Snigier – Security Architect UMass President’s Office, Fran Brian – Senior Business Engagement Analyst UMass President’s Office, Xinwen Fu – Associate Professor UMass Lowell, Larry Wilson – Adjunct Professor UMass Lowell, Nicholas Galang – UMass Student Intern UMass President’s Office, Joseph Newton – UMass Student Intern UMass President’s Office, Artem Holyshevskyi – UMass Student Intern UMass President’s Office
Location: Shrewsbury, Massachusetts
MAST Cybersecurity Services is a new initiative for the University of Massachusetts (UMass). The initiative started in May 2015, when the UMass CISO was approached by The Boston Consortium with a request to provide Cybersecurity Services to under-resourced academic institutions in New England. Key representatives of the UMass President’s Office met with the management team from The Boston Consortium to discuss how UMass could assist consortium members with the design, implementation and operations of their cybersecurity programs. After a detailed discussion and review of the key UMass capabilities, a pilot program was initiated. The pilot program has since expanded to a fully managed offering under MAST Cybersecurity Services.